What is Blackbird?

MFA level teachings without the MFA price tag. The Studio provides smart, practical, affordable long-term teachings for writers at all stages in their process. From beginning to advanced, if you are looking for a literary home from idea to publication, try us out.

The Blackbird Process:

The first stop is Bones of Storytelling & Scene vs. Exposition + Progression. You can build your own Foundations Program by taking already recorded classes or attending live workshops. (Click here to sample a class).

Once the Foundations are out of the way, you’re potentionally invited into the longer-term Studios, where you workshop (read aloud to a currated Beta circle) and study novels, memoirs, and short story collections while deepening your understanding of craft.

Finally, you are invited to progress to the Twenty-One-on-One program with Jennifer where you master line by line editing and refine your work for publication. 

Visit our classes page for more details on getting started. Or, send me a note about your literary needs in the form below.