The Blackbird Mission

Mission, Vision, and Values – Our Top Tips for Writing


My mission is to help good writers become great via affordable lessons that are accessible and easy-to-understand to all levels.


My vision is to support writers over the span of their creative lives via a process where I know, and understand, each student well enough I can teach to their level and help them unveil their truest voice and mission as a creative writer.


I value consistency, professionalism, kindness, integrity, and humilty. I value honest feedback couched in loving care. And most of all, I value human truth which is underpining of all story. Toward that end, I push the writer’s who study with me to seek, and discover, this truth.


Writers enter the Studio through the foundation classes where they refresh the basics of creative writing in a non-threatening environment. Next, they are invited to participate in the currated workshop where they  deepen their understanding of craft. Last, writers work with me (or an editor I recommed) and focus intensively on editing/self editing teachings in one-on-one consults.

September – May: Groups meet weekly over thirty weeks, for two and a half hours which include a two hour workshop where writers would read their work aloud and receive critique, as well as an in-depth study of craft via published novels, memoirs, short stories and essays.

Fall, Spring: Ten week foundation series called Bones of Storytelling, and five to fifteen week Scene, Exposition, Progression + Workshop (or independant study).

Summer: Three to four day intensives, with a focused theme. Student led workshopping

On-Going: Self-study workshop, mentorship, peer-mentorship, consultations.